For most of a year, the elite's expectations have proven correct.
These expectations proved to be clearly unrealistic in retrospect.
The expectation proved accurate, as the season was officially cancelled on February 16, 2005.
If so, the expectation of ever-rising Japanese share prices could prove wrong.
But occasionally there are pleasant surprises, and shows with low expectations can sometimes prove charming in execution.
Mr. Oelschlager expects, however, that even these expectations will prove conservative.
Military arrogance and political hubris put Germany on the path to a war she could have won only if these expectations had proved true.
Peruvian government officials are very much aware that high expectations could prove illusory.
Our expectation that the one in charge of interplanetaiy defenses would stand high in the government proved well founded.
In addition, the expectation that he could influence housing allocation to benefit white constituents proved chimerical.