The bar chart shows the expected distribution.
The user is alerted if the data deviates from the expected distribution.
The Brisbane edition of mX was launched on 5 March 2007, with an expected distribution of 40,000 copies per day.
Another was that many investors did not understand the expected distribution, or were seeking a quick trade in which they would sell Palm before the 3Com distribution was made.
Computers can also do this by measuring how well the actual frequency distribution matches up with the expected distribution; for example, the chi-squared statistic can be used.
Benford's law also concerns the expected distribution for digits beyond the first, which approach a uniform distribution.
The expected distribution can be found using Poisson distribution.
Also it can be difficult to design the function R to match the expected distribution of plaintexts.
If we assume that there are "cars" traveling from A to D, what is the expected distribution of traffic in the network?
It is also possible that the plaintext does not exhibit the expected distribution of letter frequencies.