Market cap is a great way to determine the value of a company because it incorporates the expected future growth of the company.
Projections indicated that an expansion was required to accommodate expected growth in York Region to 2035.
BLS reports an expected growth of 30% for software developers from 2010 to 2020.
And they wonder whether the Coast Guard will be able to handle expected growth in commercial and recreational traffic in the coming years.
Analysts have been lowering their Cray estimates for the year to reflect expected growth of about 10 to 15 percent in earnings and revenue.
"So I'm looking at whether the growth rates are accelerating," she added, "and how the stock trades relative to its expected growth."
Due to current and expected regional growth, several large construction projects have been or will be undertaken.
The expansion will accommodate expected growth in the company's mutual fund and retirement plan operations, which now manage $175 billion, up from $3 billion in 1990.
The endeavour is to support expected growth from 3,500 to 5,000 students on the campus.
Normal and expected physical growth requires adequate nutrients and a nurturing environment.