In 1915 he became chaplain to Catholic troops of the British expeditionary army on the Continent.
There are however a few documented occasions of Icelandic expeditionary armies coming to the king's aid.
He was charged with organizing an expeditionary army to America.
'We must keep the expeditionary army under observation,' Nefer decided.
Maurice spent the time in a careful study of the enemy's expeditionary army.
He participated in the expeditionary army which was sent to Mexico.
King Granice had secretly reinforced his expeditionary army with two hundred knights and four hundred heavy cavalry.
As the tagmata were often used to form the core of imperial expeditionary armies, they were not always present in or near the city.
By the end of the day, an expeditionary army of 10,000 had disembarked at the captured port.
Also a larger number officers than before were given commands of expeditionary armies.