Years ago, the Chamulan Catholics expelled priests from the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas because the diocese tried to push the Chamulans to stop their drinking and idolatry.
As a consequence, he made it his priority to close the Vilnius University and to expel Catholic priests from other educational facilities.
To the Editor: Mexico's ruling party has begun to send undercover investigators into the churches of Chiapas and to expel and harass priests (news article, Sept. 29).
They also tried to have the Wabanaki expel French soldiers and priests from their villages, but without much success.
In this same period, General Stroessner was breaking up independent unions, invading high schools that were critical of the Government, murdering campesinos who were organizing independent farmer leagues, expelling foreign priests who spoke out for human rights, closing opposition newspapers and radio stations, and outlawing political parties.
Such an agreement might include an expedited process for expelling sexually abusive priests and Vatican approval for full disclosure of abuse charges against priests.
The Communists, soon after coming to power in 1944, engaged in anti-religious activity - expelling, imprisoning and executing priests and other clerics, the report says.
In the book-length interview, which is soon to be published in English in the United States, Mr. Castro, who was excommunicated in 1962 after expelling foreign priests and bishops, said he hoped Pope John Paul II would visit Cuba.
The regime responded by closing Roman Catholic publications and newspapers, expelling non-Paraguayan priests, and harassing the church's attempts to organize the rural poor.
They often closed church schools, expelling priests and bishops who protested.