After 1893 expenditure fell although enrolment remained virtually at the 1890 level.
Your expenditure will usually fall into three different types:
In some categories in the expenditure table, average expenditures fell but relative importance climbed.
Class sizes have risen, and between 1981-2 and 1985-6 expenditure per full-time equivalent student fell in real terms from £3,800 to £3,150.
And since 1991, the last time they were released, such "head of state" expenditures have fallen by more than half.
Thus a local authority can innovate the design of a school building but the overall expenditure must fall within centrally de fined cost limits.
Philip Morris increased such spending last year by 17 percent at a time when its total expenditures fell 3 percent.
It concerns us that expenditure on audits has fallen by 6.4% in the common agricultural policy.
If unemployment were to plummet, this expenditure would fall as well.
It is worth noting that in recent years farming expenditure has fallen below the limits set by the budgetary guidelines.