His decision cost him this weekend's expense-paid trip to a Phoenix resort, site of a traditional glamorous photo shoot.
In 1998, for example, several trustees were revealed to be taking expense-paid trips and other gifts from people trying to do business with the fund.
Portfolio Award receives an expense-paid trip to New York to meet with interested art directors.
The winner receives an expense-paid trip to New York to meet with interested editors.
They asked for $1,000 and an expense-paid trip to the league's Super Bowl.
One lucky traveler who liked golf was given an expense-paid trip to Scotland's links.
The listeners who happen upon the tickets will each win an expense-paid trip to Detroit to watch Eminem record his new album.
You win the all expense-paid trip to downtown Brooklyn.
It was suggested that she be sent on an expense-paid trip to the Canary Islands.
Or expense-paid trips to the oenologist of your choice.