The three finalists were awarded an all expenses-paid trip in a Mitsubishi Cedia Sports car.
Harvard, Washington and Wisconsin had won regional championships to qualify for expenses-paid trips to the site at East Fork Park, east of the city.
They earned an expenses-paid trip to the finals in Cincinnati in March.
Stewart and the eight other finalists each received an expenses-paid trip to the Daytona 500 this year, with infield access and a prerace tour of the garage.
Since only five other horses were coaxed into the race, every horse going to the post will be taking an expenses-paid trip.
Members of the winning band receive an expenses-paid trip to the annual NAMM Show, where they will be a featured performer.
Moscoe and five other councillors were also criticized for taking an expenses-paid trip to Hawaii for the official purpose of studying Pacific music.
They had qualified for the national playoffs in the North American Pair Championships, with an expenses-paid trip to the Spring Nationals.
Three teams, made up of four employees each, vied to win expenses-paid trips, valued at between $5,000 to $7,000, by creating campaigns for hypothetical clients.
The winning team, made up of four students, receives an expenses-paid trip to the national tournament in Washington, D.C..