The idea is to make ourselves too expensive an acquisition.
Ford would have to come up with money just to run it, which makes it a very expensive acquisition.
"Under the Trees" is estimated to be worth about $13 million, which would make it the museum's most expensive acquisition.
For one thing, it is easy to break up a magazine group and sell some of the titles to help pay for an expensive acquisition.
Seems like a good way to leverage your very expensive acquisition.
As team president, Thomas made a number of risky, often expensive acquisitions.
It was cited as the largest and most expensive acquisition in the network's history.
His predecessor preferred joint ventures to expensive acquisitions during the 80's.
Nothing worse than taking an expensive new acquisition out for a test drive only to find it only gets half the job done.
After all, the Louvre uses private donations rather than government funds to make its most expensive acquisitions.