The content of this huge expensive advertisement claimed that advertising has no effect on cigarette consumption.
But the expensive advertisements, paid for with so-called soft money, later led to calls for an investigation into Democratic fund-raising.
One of the most expensive advertisements consisted of a large number of oil paintings of every animal in zoology.
In years past, corporations had tried to display their clout by such moves as paying for expensive advertisements in convention brochures.
Due to the high cost of investing in advertising on the Super Bowl, companies regularly develop their most expensive advertisements for this broadcast.
The politicians complain that they spend much of their time raising money to buy expensive political advertisements while the broadcasters resist requests for free time.
He avoids expensive national advertisements and gets the word out mainly through local newspapers, radio and television.
Printed on the best stock and larded with expensive advertisements, L'Amateur could be said to be something more than a modest success.
Like New York's, the project will not include expensive advertisements or slick brochures touting the city.
It involves a large-scale domino chain-reaction and, with a budget of £10m, is the most expensive advertisement by the company so far.