He is gray-haired and wears an expensive coat.
You've probably also seen the locked steel racks used for expensive coats and jackets - again, these have to be unlocked by a sales clerk.
Lucinda crammed the expensive coat and cravat into his arms.
"Thought she might want them in their big, rich car an heavy, expensive coats, but it were easy, so easy."
He had never heard of a married woman buying a Mexican cowboy an expensive coat.
Kerensky watched a woman wearing an expensive sable coat push her way through the door to the cafe.
He's ruined an expensive coat and I'll be seeking legal advice.
A tall florid man with an expensive coat belted over a massive paunch stood in the open door.
The stupid, snobbish nanny would admit him simply because he wore an expensive coat and looked like a gentleman, wouldn't she?
A 16-year-old Brooklyn high school student was shot and critically wounded yesterday during a disputeover an expensive coat, the police said.