You want expensive consultants, advisors, research?
Too often in recent years the Service has been marginalised, either through the spread of special advisers or the over-use of expensive consultants.
This is reflected in the over reliance on expensive consultants, contractors and external recruitment at middle and senior levels.
These gaps later had to be filled by far more expensive consultants.
The idea is to harness talent already in the system rather than hiring expensive consultants.
She said the agency's failure could be laid partly to poor business decisions like hiring expensive consultants to cover gaps in full-time workers.
Mehula was criticized for the use of expensive consultants.
It doesn't require expensive consultants, but only common experience to realize that our schools are not educating our children.
Many SMEs have to hire expensive consultants just to process their applications.
And China's offers rarely include the extra freight of expensive consultants, provisions that are common to World Bank projects.