Sinclair also points to the economic benefits of offsetting expensive costs like medical school.
Along with the relatively expensive cost of campaigning greatly restricted the number of people who could run for office.
This avoids the expensive costs of sorting plastics by type.
Investors expect a discount on stock since they are buying restricted securities and thus this is a more expensive cost of capital to the company.
Would adding a tax to the already expensive cost of pet care make anyone more likely to keep an animal?
Elegant ones start at $10 to $12, and the most expensive cost $100 or so.
Sir David added there are very expensive costs to the university and ultimately the taxpayer from closing the dental school.
"We are not opposed if the United States wants to bear such expensive costs," he said.
The bridge was the most expensive on the canal, with a construction cost of $986,363.
It is also the city with the least expensive cost of living in the United States.