And because of my expensive lawyers, the police and the Futures look really stupid.
He'd been arrested for a variety of crimes, but his expensive lawyers always managed to get the charges dismissed.
Instead of hiring an expensive lawyer, she got some coaching from an expert and handled the proceeding herself.
Only in the sense that the board paid out 1/5th of the society's entire reserves on expensive lawyers when they could have got legal advice free.
Call it "the dignity of labor" and hire expensive lawyers to keep out the unions.
I had no intention of calling you in, but my expensive lawyer told me that as a crime's been committed I've got no choice.
The mob was using guerrilla tactics, then hiding behind the court system with their expensive lawyers.
Finally, a rough old voice on a speaker phone in the fanciest office of all had ordered the expensive lawyer out.
With expensive and good lawyers, he left the prison in early 2008.
At this moment Constance swept into the room flanked by several extremely expensive lawyers.