However, the professional SLR market was (and is) a small market with very expensive offerings.
That would still leave it as the industry's most expensive offering.
The most expensive offering is the stuffed veal chop, really two chops for $36, or $18 a person.
Although most of the arresting antiques in the show are among the dealers' more important and expensive, offerings, there are less costly objects to be found.
Its least expensive offering, the i415, has a speakerphone and not much else.
In April, the industry's heaviest and most expensive offerings came noisily back.
As a result, the LaserWriter was also one of Apple's most expensive offerings.
It was Lexus' most expensive offering until the LS 600h.
A modest ticket price enables families and seniors to afford programs which are comparable to the quality of significantly more expensive offerings.
For example, dinner for two at Sketch in London can easily top $500, even if you choose the least expensive offering on the wine list.