A second, less expensive, proposal was for an AA battleship.
It's a complex, vulnerable, expensive and naive proposal.
"It is an expensive proposal," she said, "which in reality solves little and would diminish the natural resources we must endow to future generations."
The larger issues of digital preservation have drawn attention at conferences, in academic reviews and in expensive proposals.
One option is to install a huge drainage tunnel, an expensive proposal that most residents expect will never be acted on.
One of the most expensive proposals also involves homes, costing a total of $4.6 billion in 1993 and 1994.
Ministers will generally throw out proposals which contain the words complicated, lengthy, expensive and controversial.
Among his more expensive proposals, Mr. Clinton is seeking a 20 percent increase in spending on education and training, to $51 billion.
This more expensive proposal was left out of the options presented.
It is debatable whether he persuaded parliament or the members just decided to pick the less expensive proposal.