They usually go on a drunken, woman-chasing binge in some expensive resort.
Where to Stay On weekdays, even the most expensive resort can be priced like a budget hotel.
Once a friend once came back from what was probably the most expensive resort in Malaysia with a new begonia.
Chalet Annie is a low-cost option in this snowsure but expensive resort.
Since that was impossible, we checked into an expensive resort where guard dogs kept locals away from the tourists.
Sea Gate was an expensive resort, and blood on the highway was not attractive to tourists.
Built at a cost of $1.5 billion, it was one of the most expensive resorts of its kind when it opened.
Most of the construction is for places for tourists to stay, from expensive resorts to small inns and guest houses.
Courchevel is known to be an expensive resort.
Accommodations at beaches can range from inexpensive pousadas (bed and breakfast) to extremely expensive resorts.