Lots of it will be needed in California, the most expensive state in which to campaign.
New Jersey remained the most expensive state for coverage, the regulators found.
"He comes from the most expensive state, which also happens to be the backdrop for the White House's re-election strategy."
Massachusetts has become the 3rd most expensive state in the country!
"We live in one of the most expensive states in the Union."
Sure there is, especially in expensive states like New York and California.
The effect of this would make banking in such states unattractive and expensive.
According to the report, New York is the most expensive state in which to close a mortgage, with costs totaling $3,887, on average.
With the cost of air travel and television time, it is also by far the most expensive state in which to campaign.
It is more than double that - $599 - in Hawaii, "the most expensive state for vacationers."