How many people would be priced out of paying for expensive surgery?
She is the mother of a five-year old boy who suffers from leukemia and needs an urgent and very expensive surgery.
And dog or cat owners more often pay for expensive surgery and treatment.
Conditions were gloomy for the most expensive surgery in the market, with prices slightly over twice the average.
His inventions have made spinal surgery safer, faster, more effective and less expensive.
Such permission has been denied in the past by the commission because other hospitals in the state already offer the expensive surgery.
The action of the video starts in a hospital where a mother finds out that her son has leukaemia and needs an expensive surgery.
It requires expensive surgery to remove it, which the parents pay for using all the money from the boy's college savings.
Given the poor prognosis for the girls, some health care experts have questioned the wisdom of undertaking this extensive, and expensive, surgery.
She had just lost another job and needed expensive dental surgery.