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Her outrageous but always expensive wardrobe is one of her ways of doing this, as is the constant renovating of her home.
She'd be smart to put an expensive wardrobe together before he leaves her if you ask me.
Selden constantly chastised him for using corporate funds to buy an expensive wardrobe or making lavish gifts to potential clients.
He also said Winfield had made him quit his radio work, buy an expensive wardrobe and pay for limousines required by his job.
The least expensive and easiest addition to the liquor wardrobe is sherry, Spain's noble and grossly undervalued fortified wine.
And Queen Elizabeth has called her expensive but mumsy wardrobe "props."
A large, expensive wardrobe simply wasn't important to her.
Luzhin's expensive and ostentatious wardrobe is described in detail, and so are the cheap hotel rooms he has rented for Dunya and her mother.
Yet even if men are dressing up for work again, they are not exactly investing heavily in an expensive new wardrobe.
She was a healthy young woman with good teeth and an expensive wardrobe.