WebMD talked to real women and men who experienced incontinence at various points in their lives.
Although the condition is much more common in women, men experience incontinence, too, especially as they age and the prostrate enlarges.
Karen Sebastian, age 50, started experiencing incontinence after the birth of her first child.
Men can experience incontinence as a result of illness or injury.
If you experience incontinence, it may help you to remember that loss of bladder control can be treated.
If you experience long-term incontinence, you can take some steps immediately that may eliminate or reduce the problem.
It found that 14% of women had experienced urinary incontinence, 5.7% within the preceding week; the corresponding figures for men were about half these.
But even young, nulliparous, and otherwise totally healthy women experience urinary incontinence.
Men tend to experience incontinence less often than women, and the structure of the male urinary tract accounts for this difference.
As a woman who has experienced incontinence (what mother hasn't?)