Most people experience insomnia at some point in their lives, and 10% have chronic problems with insomnia.
Some depressed women want to sleep all the time, for example, while others may experience insomnia.
Medical students during an examination period can experience insomnia, fatigue and nausea.
Many of us experience temporary insomnia from a few days to a few weeks.
I am now experiencing insomnia (I'm writing this at 4am).
Mirtazapine may be useful if you are experiencing insomnia or agitation.
Some people also experience depression, irritability, insomnia or anxiety.
Most women experience insomnia in the later stages of pregnancy.
The 2005 Sleep in America poll found that 35% of adults experience insomnia every night.
Half of all Americans have experienced insomnia at some time in their lives, and a good number experience it on a regular basis.