These women's experiences reflect the disenfranchisement and casualisation of many women's work.
Events occurred too late for most individuals, he said, and what they do on Monday will reflect what their experience in the crash two years ago.
His experiments explore how individual experience reflects a kind of tension among relationships.
That attitude is a measure of the tribe's strength, but Kenny's experience also reflects its woes.
Their experiences reflect contemporary complications of race that go beyond the lessons of the civil rights era.
This course would be a period of reflection for people involved in action at home: they would bring experiences to reflect upon.
His experience, though dramatic, reflects a national trend.
Their experience reflects what many blacks in the New York region go through every day, government officials, open-housing advocates and civil rights lawyers say.
She grew up in the countryside, and her experiences reflect this.
By the end of the second episode the contestants' experiences indirectly reflect the barrio's influence.