Borgelt travels extensively around the world, and the experiences that she gains through these represent continuous sources of inspiration.
But when their father suddenly became ill, they were reminded that their parents' experience represented a different history and different attitudes.
Their experience, however, does not represent that of all black men.
"The psychedelic experience thus represents a unique intersection between mind, matter, science and mysticism that still defies explanation."
This experience, requiring students to balance creativity and practical limits, represents a growing movement in the teaching of public relations.
The skills and experience acquired by older persons represent a major asset, especially in a knowledge-based society.
Perhaps Poland's experience of national self-improvement through cinema represents an example we and everyone can learn from.
For example, imperfect experience may represent the orbits of the planets as circular.
In the latter's view, corrective emotional experience represents essentially what is therapeutic in analysis'.
But his experience represented but a part of the whole story.