Does anyone have any experience traveling Sub-Saharan Africa with such a young baby?
It's been a fantastic experience traveling our country, talking about what I believe and where I'm going to lead this country for four more years.
He shares his experiences traveling and they have a dinner talk.
But we have some experience traveling at lowest possible cost.
You have experience traveling through a war zone by yourself, and-" He let the rest hang.
Speaking from my personal experience traveling for 5 1/2 months all over the Continent, here's a simple recommendation: Join a walking tour.
Still, I'd like to hear from other readers about experiences traveling using these locks.
I have some experience traveling and trekking around Ecuador, though I don't speak Spanish very well.
Perez has vast experience traveling through Europe and the United States, exposing his intense talent on the wooden instrument.
The film shows the experiences of a Vietnam era American soldier traveling in Japan.