EMI suggested, however, that Claudio Gizzi, a more experienced composer that already worked with them, also participate in the project.
When Handel composed Messiah in London, he was already a successful and experienced composer of Italian operas.
And most encouraging of all, young composers are choosing to stay in China, and more experienced composers who did emigrate are returning to compose and teach.
Though Mendelssohn was still a teenager when he wrote this quartet, he was already an experienced composer of chamber music.
Monteverdi was an experienced composer when he wrote this and the opera has some of his best music.
Wladimir and Rhoda Lakond Award - an annual award of $5,000 "given either to a composition student or an experienced composer".
Still, the experienced composer completed the music in four days, on 5 November 1899.
These days it's more typical for a company, worried about alienating its audience, to seek out a less experienced composer willing to be an obliging member of a large production team.
He is skilled at improvisations, and is an experienced composer, also writing music arrangements and his own cadenzas.
Either way, the high stakes for any opera based on "Nineteen Eighty-Four" would have intimidated composers far more experienced than Mr. Maazel.