Voytek added that ResearchGate needs to "figure out how to get older, more experienced scientists to use their service.
Among more experienced scientists and engineers, the gender gap in salaries is larger than for recent graduates.
The program is open for young excellent scientists as well as for highly experienced senior scientists.
We'd obviously be looking for people who are experienced scientists, with specialties in biology.
In the best of worlds we would all use the same measuring system, but it is a hard sell to even experienced scientists.
A good many are also experienced scientists, linguists, writers, and so on.
Just as in the case of an experienced scientist, once a new observation is made, it must then be explained.
The repository is completely automated and uses the most advanced technology under the supervision of a host of experienced scientists.
The Fund will aid experienced scientists and technicians from developing countries to participate in deep-sea research organized by international and national institutions.
Although you will work with a team of experienced scientists, you should also be capable of working independently.