Facilitators use an exciting range of experiential activities, video discussions, games, role-playing exercises to help the pupils develop their full potential.
The diverse and individualistic lifestyles enjoyed by the Creative Class involve active participation in a variety of experiential activities.
Programs include outdoor, experiential activities as well as talks and site visits, offered in English, Hebrew, and Spanish in both Israel and North America.
This organization works with over 5,000 youth a year getting them involved in experiential activities in the democratic process working as election judges, volunteering on campaigns, advising city officials, and creating local activism projects to improve their schools and communities.
Independent Australian Scouts emphasizes scouting as a simple, experiential, outdoor activity emulating frontier scouts in being self-reliant, thrifty and resourceful and useful and helpful.
In contrast to traditional museums, which are collections-based, children's museums are visitor-centered and stress hands-on learning and experiential activities, Ms. Sawyer said.
The centre's current mission statement says: MERC is committed to providing opportunities for personal growth and development through experiential marine related activities and studies.
High school students (10th-12th grades) with learning ability and high motivation, guides elementary school students on various scientific subjects combining experiential and social activity.