Florida experimented early with monitors and now has more than 900 prisoners on its monitoring computers at any one time, There were 2,400 last year, Hundreds more are monitored by local authorities.
He attended St. Patrick's Classical School, where he experimented early on with standup, (with fellow comic Tommy Tiernan and Hector Ó hEochagáin) and left at age 16 with his Leaving Certificate.
Although he experimented with different styles early in his career, after 1660 he favoured compositions similar to that seen in The Floating Feather: carefully observed subjects set in farmyards, courtyards or country parks with architectural or landscape features enhancing the backgrounds.
With Patrick Ewing sidelined with a bruise above his right knee, suffered in a scrimmage Monday night, Coach Rick Pitino of the Knicks did his experimenting early, starting Sidney Green at center.
Johnson wrote that early on he experimented with short poems "when I wanted to do something a bit different or when I was stuck for a better idea."
He experimented with many instruments early on "with greed and huge arrogance," he said, and he learned to play several.
Nando Times experimented with Java programming early, creating a Java-powered rotation of news photos on its home page in 1996, linked to photo gallery pages.
A Kabuki Lady Macbeth He began experimenting early in his career.
De Margheriti experimented with CB-Radios and electronics early as a young teenager.