The dynast might have been a professor, inquiring of a student if his experiment in alchemy was proceeding satisfactorily.
It has always been my wish," proceeded the professor, "to attempt this experiment on a larger scale.
Erasmus said, "Yes, the experiment to test the loyalty of your human subjects is proceeding nicely.
He began to experiment with practical methods, always seeking to simplify his approach as the experiments proceeded.
This experiment has proceeded along two tracks, with two distinct but complementary intentions.
So far, the health institutes have awarded only four stem cell research grants, though private experiments are proceeding.
But before any experiments proceed, the assembly said, researchers must provide details about the experiments and planned security precautions.
And, while experiments proceed, mainstream changes are deferred.
The experiment proceeded with a minimum of fuss.
The experiments had been proceeding only a few days at this point, but she needed answers for her own work.