Not officially available until January, the book is an expert assessment of what went wrong on corporate boards and how to fix them.
It's a survey of surveys, scoring countries based on expert assessments and data from opinion surveys.
These are Bayesian probabilities, which are based on an expert assessment of the available evidence.
I had a real expert assessment made on the number of files that pass through your hands in a year.
They and the prosecutors in charge of such cases could also call on expert assessments by historians and linguists, he said.
"It is my expert assessment that we need to perform a bit more maintenance here."
However, none of these findings were submitted to any scholarly journal or any serious expert assessment.
EML itself also performed environmental measurements when independent expert assessments were needed.
Pat's come from expert assessments which demand to be considered foremost.
Based on an expert assessment of all of the evidence, these projections were thought to have about a 5-in-10 chance of being correct.