A foreign electoral expert calculated the outcome at 156 to 126.
Last week, other experts said the area was poised for a large earthquake but did not calculate the risk numerically.
The experts have calculated that about 20 percent of a tree is made up of roots.
Economic experts calculate the value of those earnings over time, so the difference, if any, between the two income streams is clearly understood.
One academic expert calculated that a woman's chances of having Barbie's figure were less than 1 in 100,000.
Later, experts would calculate that his blood alcohol level was 0.19 at the time of the killing, nearly double the legal limit for driving.
President Clinton has virtually promised to accept a welfare bill that his own experts calculate will force more than a million children into poverty.
"Therefore the production rates are much higher" than private experts have calculated.
Economic experts have calculated that this expensive line would never be a success.
One expert calculates that the cost may be even higher.