Later, experts discovered that those were very distinct species, even though very similar in the exterior aspect.
Forensic experts have discovered 50 separate pits containing bones, including skulls showing evidence of execution.
In other words, a latent defect would not be apparent to an ordinary person, even if an expert might have discovered it.
By 2005 experts discovered that detailed proposals presented by the competition winner did not meet Russian building codes.
What American experts discovered on arriving here was an industry frozen in the 1960's.
But the questions may not come at all unless experts at the "edge" of the network can readily discover the clues that prompt to them.
If the experts discover precisely what went wrong with Flight 800, then maybe they can prevent a recurrence.
Medical experts discovered the device had several drawbacks.
The earth is becoming too small and many experts have already discovered the significant potential of the oceans.
Now experts have discovered another serious threat posed by the mussels.