International experts gathered in Paris last week to share tips on improving adult literacy.
Political scientists and experts from 14 countries gathered to predict Russia's future path.
Mummy unwrapping is a team effort: experts gather to examine forensic evidence.
"It was like our conference room got beamed out onto the Internet, and experts gathered from around the world and came up with ideas."
The company's experts gather extensive information on each community including:
In 1989 in Canterbury, England, the world's leading experts on frogs and other amphibians gathered for their first ever world congress.
Music therapy professionals and experts in related fields from around the world gather at the congress to share ideas, experiences, trends, and research outcomes.
Then, a few days after the Super Bowl, the salary-cap experts will gather to evaluate the team's financial situation.
Leading experts in technology and higher education recently gathered at a Guardian roundtable to discuss the issue.
In London on Wednesday, experts will gather to offer a novel solution to all of these problems at once: a shorter working week.