When Fox Broadcasting put "The Simpsons" on the air in 1989, featuring an odd family with overbites and brilliant yellow skin, most experts scoffed.
The agency's experts scoff at the prospects of meeting that goal unless prices rise significantly.
Psychiatric experts scoffed at Seller's claim, arguing that any true mental illness would have been diagnosed soon after Sellers' arrest and not seven years later.
But medical experts scoff at the idea of such an important test being performed by laymen.
He says the computer "partners" will let him hire fewer teachers, but many experts scoff.
Still, many experts scoff at the Internet.
Now, most cooking experts scoff at the notion that marinating makes meat more tender.
But other experts scoffed at the idea that commercial interests had influenced either the language or content of the manual.
Some experts scoff at the idea of corn shortages, but others say it is possible.
Cambodians and foreign experts scoffed at his denials.