Thanks to Tupa's expertly placed kicks, Hayes was able to snare one ball on the 2-yard line and one at the 1-yard line.
Both warriors fell without a scream, their faces and throats studded with expertly placed quarrels.
A diagonal shot was expertly placed beyond the goalkeeper Paddy Kenny and Newcastle celebrated a moment that will help to soothe their concerns about being without Ba, their leading scorer.
The ball was placed expertly toward first base, about six feet beyond the plate and just inside the lip of the infield grass.
After all, in every corner lurk what must surely be expertly placed clues: Jasper's black silk scarf, seemingly full of murderous intent; Mayor Sapsea's tomb and its enormous key; that pile of quicklime crying out, "Notice me!"
A dozen telling strokes placed expertly from her lower back to the tensed thighs followed, and then Manion started the whip blows back up towards her back once more.
You can convey more truth and greater reality with a few simple lines, expertly placed, than with a billion-dollar render-farm and the latest computer technology.
It was not a large bomb as such things went, but it had been expertly placed.
Three women who had clearly lived through many "great darknesses" expertly placed cotton and moss wicks on the edge of three soapstone platters brimming with seal blubber.
Griff's expertly placed bullet merely wounds Jessica, and the cowardly Brockie then becomes the first man Griff has had to kill in ten years.