"Goblins always come back for their dead," she explained eagerly.
When we stopped by the 1890 farmhouse, a guide eagerly explained the process of making butter, the farm's specialty a century ago.
"Aziz lies in the private room," she explained eagerly, her old accent more noticeable than usual.
Peewee explained eagerly about the space suits and I stood there like a fool, with a lump of ice in my stomach.
He flatters Peppercorn, who eagerly explains she can do better:
"I've got a plot of land picked out," the boy explained eagerly.
"I used a length of pipe," Lloyd eagerly explained.
In English," she eagerly explained, hoping he might return some feedback on her efforts.
The young brothers explained eagerly what a superb ship Argo was.
She plowed through it twice, not really helped by Michael eagerly explaining as she tried to read.