The librarian typically has little insight into the social and psychological barriers that might be preventing the user from explaining their question accurately.
"You haven't enough men to fight him," he added to explain his cautious question.
"You seem to know so much," she explained her question, "everything."
She'd be home before he finished explaining his question.
"I explained to my son the 15-year-old's version of bankruptcy, and his only question was, 'Are we going to have enough money for food?' "
Mr President, I should like to say a few introductrory words and then perhaps go on to explain our oral question.
That is why I want to explain my question yesterday and clarify some personal questions which President Santer brought up.
It explained also the other man's question: "Where is Miss Pickerall?"
You could tell that Humphreys got this wrong when he was floundering to explain his own question.
But as the aide explained his question, it began to make sense.