As Heris expected, he was glad to explain his role.
Each wife leaves a house manual which explains her role in the family and the duties she holds.
"I am not the Democratic pit bull," she said in explaining her role at the debate.
Take a flower to pieces to show children the names of each part and explain its role in reproduction.
She may be dressed in a different uniform, and therefore must explain her role to the patient.
Engineers thus need to explain their role to encourage a more positive view of the profession.
You may like to arrange sessions with different members of staff so they can explain their role in relation to the business' activities.
A videotape program explaining the workings of the bank and its role in the financial world will also be shown.
"They explained my role to me," he said, "and I was comfortable with that."
He brings both back to his house, having explained the plot and their role in it.