"I like to feel it against my skin," he explained shyly.
As the great-grandparents of the child, we would like to give him a name, H'ani explained shyly.
Scout shyly explained that there had been all blood and bits of brain and stuff in it from a regrettable incident which had occurred recently in a 7-11.
"I missed you," Sara explained shyly.
'Is a local dish,' Maria explained shyly.
He shyly explained his tardiness by saying: "I don't have any dress shoes, and my father wouldn't lend me his.
"We met as freshmen," Annie explained shyly.
"I wanted to become a naturalist," he explained shyly, as though confessing a weakness.
'We become more garrulous as we age,' he explained shyly.
They'd been waiting an hour and a half already, the girl explained shyly, twirling her pink-and-white scarf with her fingers.