Silliman was known for his ability to explain scientific topics in a way that most listeners could understand.
He was able to explain complex topics in easily understandable terms.
It helps that my colleagues are not only highly qualified professionals, but also always willing to answer questions and explain often complicated topics.
It explains such topics as how the world works?
Interpretive panels explain topics such as Calusa politics, social organization, and spiritual beliefs.
He enjoys a reputation for explaining complex financial topics to a broad audience in an engaging way.
Austin has been a correspondent for Better, where she explained topics and trends regarding social media.
Cognitive theory is used to explain such topics as social role acquisition, intelligence and memory as related to age.
It explains topics such as what angels do, their hierarchy, their appearances in the Bible, etc.
But people liked his programs and he realized he had the knack of using them to explain complex scientific topics.