Doors opened mysteriously, footsteps were heard in empty rooms, shadows moved along the walls, noises and moans sounded for no explicable reason.
But, for no explicable reason, he was dropped from the side for the next match against Malaysia.
Once again his patients began dying for no explicable reason.
Indeed, for various interesting and only somewhat explicable reasons, Mr. Thicke has gotten several more big breaks than almost any of his peers one could name.
She found herself angry for no explicable reason.
But motives were extraordinarily varied and some of the most atrocious murderers had killed for no reason explicable to a rational mind.
Somehow, for no explicable reason, Judy had always had his number.
She had mutilated herself for an explicable religious reason, in accordance with the teaching of a recognized church.
Girl goes to Monster under a threat but stays with him for no explicable reason.
A name and eager questions were forming on her lips, but for some in explicable reason she felt averse to uttering them.