In July 2005, he offered his first explicit acknowledgment that humans were contributing to the problem of global warming.
That was the most explicit acknowledgment by an administration official of the degree to which sectarian strife had destabilized Iraq.
"In practice, however, breakthrough creativity requires an explicit acknowledgment of limits."
I am pleased at the explicit acknowledgment that I neither sought, expected, nor received any financial gain that was being widely and wrongly implied.
The album was notable for its explicit acknowledgment of ICP's belief in God.
But if we do not support him, it seems an explicit acknowledgment of the failure of the international intervention in Cambodia.
But does this, may it please your Excellency, show their explicit acknowledgment of the authority of Parliament?
In the case of quotations, an explicit acknowledgment sometimes appears in the score.
So anyway, so it's good news that anything that is installed without our explicit acknowledgment will not be run.
An Indonesian official made that nation's most explicit acknowledgment that Al Qaeda was operating there.