For example, Christophoros Mytilenaios of the 11th century parodied a chariot race in his sixth poem employing explicit allusions to Pindar.
The musical content of the ritornello contains explicit allusions to the melody of the chorale, sometimes hidden in the semiquaver passage work and motifs.
Others make more explicit allusions.
In the inscription the use of this word would be an explicit allusion to the fact that the girl shall be ready to marry.
And there are explicit allusions: posters of the missing, clothing dropping from the sky as remnants of vaporized humanity and a hellish landscape smoking in ruin.
The first of these was chosen because it is by far the shortest sentence of the story, whilst the remaining two contain, respectively, explicit and symbolic allusions to death.
Despite many explicit allusions to several world religions, Ingrid Reichel states that the novel is a book for "readers with humor, for reasoners (.)
The one explicit literary allusion in the book, curiously, is not from O'Casey or Joyce but from A. E. Housman.
Some Arab Israelis object to Hatikvah due to its explicit allusions to Judaism.