If it really is not legal, which I'm still not convinced of, then there very much needs to be an explicit exception for the purposes of indexing.
Even under the law, there is an explicit exception to the rules.
The language has explicit exception handling control flow, as well as traditional looping constructs.
This is the only explicit exception to the sweeping powers otherwise granted to the state during such an emergency.
In Florida, designated nudity areas are given an explicit exception.
To do so, it is not necessary to include an explicit exception in the domestic copyright law, as the example of the United States shows.
All nine justices agreed that this sole explicit exception should be interpreted to rule out the judicial creation of other exceptions.
Perhaps too simplistic in practice, such a hierarchical structure may warrant explicit exceptions.
And you cannot claim that it's "fair use" because the DMCA does not contain any explicit exception.
We would like a clear and explicit exception for these goods, but do not rule out that they will be subjected to separate regulations at a later date.