Taking your children into service stations - pornography, with shockingly explicit photographs, is within easy reach.
So what does he do when seven sexually explicit photographs are delivered to his chamber?
He said the police seized sexually explicit photographs dating back three years involving a then 15-year-old boy.
They found four sexually explicit photographs of a 14-year-old boy.
He was not a celebrity, she argued, and the paper should have exercised a level of restraint rather than publishing such an explicit photograph.
The book contains no explicit photographs but was written by the club's 56-year-old founder to describe her experiences and opinions on marriage.
The following day, a second explicit photograph of Chen, with another starlet, appeared on the Internet.
He said a neighbor called the police, who searched his car, home and office and found four sexually explicit photographs of young boys.
The center says it plans to separate the most explicit photographs from the rest.
It's illustrated, with explicit photographs, so don't leave it lying around.