Mature Content was allowed within ficlet stories, but explicit pornography, obscenity and "hate speech" were banned.
Scores of massage parlors and saunas were shut down a few weeks ago, and explicit pornography has disappeared from private bookstalls.
The BBC described it as "gory images of dismembered limbs and explicit pornography".
Daniel opened one of them, read several lines of explicit, sadomasochistic pornography, and put the books down angrily.
The field of pictorial and explicit pornography is generally regarded as a man's province.
At present, there are only two legally protected areas of explicit commercial pornography.
The most visible of these shows was Mike Hunt TV, which ran explicit pornography.
Along with these manuals, some explicit pornography was available for both men and women.
The film's popularity helped launch a brief period of upper-middle class interest in explicit pornography referred to by Ralph Blumenthal of the New York Times as "porno chic".
Given the far wider range of explicit pornography that's available in 1994 than in the swimsuit issue's earlier history, you might expect the old-fashioned bikini shots to be obsolete.