There are some very explicit recommendations to involve the voluntary sector in an important way.
Although the report does not have an explicit recommendation on fetal tissue research, its tone is consistent with Mr. Bauer's proposed executive order.
But the report made few explicit recommendations, arousing concern among some lawyers and judges who had hoped for a more forceful and specific response from the subcommittee.
Then each makes a more explicit recommendation on policy for the coming intermeeting period (and for the longer run, if under consideration).
Referees' evaluations usually include an explicit recommendation of what to do with the manuscript or proposal, often chosen from options provided by the journal or funding agency.
Because of color's emotional significance to him, he made explicit recommendations that were close to the theories later adopted by the Neoimpressionists.
Some parents send their children, with the explicit recommendation of psychologists, to schools that are known for a moderate level of proficiency.
The letter, the contents of which are kept secret for three years, does not include an explicit recommendation, although the tone generally makes it implicit.
The explicit recommendations of torture and other abusive interrogation methods worked their way into standard lesson plans before being codified in the training manual in 1987.
The differing sentiments may explain the health agency's reluctance to give an explicit recommendation, one official said.