Few studies so far have explicitly examined the role of spatial processing in the context of musical tasks.
While not explicitly examined in many JAS studies, an understanding of these decision-making style differences can inform future understanding of advice-taking dynamics.
Our results agree quite well with several recent reports in which inter-individual variation in gene expression is explicitly examined.
Indeed, only one investigator to date has explicitly examined the effect of type of hysterectomy (SCH versus TAH) on sexual function [ 9 13 ] .
When a taxpayer receives a formal closing agreement from the I.R.S. after the agency has explicitly examined a deduction or practice, the taxpayer may forever follow that practice, even if it violates the tax law.
It is taken for granted that an institution will be sub-divided into faculties, schools, departments, units and centres; but the epistemological implications of such subdivisions are rarely examined explicitly.
This bill would therefore, require the FDA to screen all GE foods through the current food additive process to ensure safety for human consumption and require that unique concerns be explicitly examined.
Marissa's death has a significant impact on the entire fourth season which is most explicitly examined in the episode "The Chrismukk-huh?"