Curl allows only classes that are explicitly marked as shared to be inherited repeatedly.
With the exception of quoted strings, lines must be explicitly marked as being continued by having the last character on the line to be a backslash.
They are not explicitly marked as such, but the four characters are taken from each of the tone categories of the Guangyun rhyme dictionary.
All impure code must be explicitly marked.
Unless the firearm is explicitly marked as being +P rated or it is clearly stated in the gun's manual, +P ammunition should not be used.
A soft consonant lacks a dagesh kal, and is sometimes explicitly marked using rafe, an overbar.
Tense-aspect-mood in Luganda is explicitly marked on the verb, as it is in most other Bantu languages.
While events are not explicitly marked for tense per se, deixis plays a strong role in determining when the proposition is being asserted to occur.
Methods requiring mutual exclusion must be explicitly marked with the synchronized keyword.
This subset of states includes those that are either transient or explicitly marked as participating in a temporal relation.